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Interpretation of the Special Action Plan for Improving Manufacturing Design Capabilities (2019-2022)

Release time:2024-09-27click:0
In order to effectively improve design problems in shortcomings in the manufacturing industry, enhance manufacturing design capabilities, and support the construction of a manufacturing power, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration of Taxation, , the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Academy of Engineering, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the Intellectual Property Office prepared and issued the "Special Action Plan for Improving Manufacturing Design Capabilities (2019-2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). The relevant contents of the "Action Plan" are interpreted as follows:
Question 1: What is the background for the formulation of the "Action Plan"?
Answer:In recent years, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, has actively promoted the innovative development of industrial design, carried out a series of work, and achieved Certain results. Currently, with the arrival of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, the connotation and extension of industrial design have undergone many changes. At the same time, insufficient design capabilities have become one of the bottlenecks and important factors affecting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector. In design Basic research and data accumulation, design tools and methods, design talent training, experimental verification, and public service capabilities still need to be strengthened. To this end, we have carried out investigations and studies and organized many discussions with local authorities, industry organizations, scientific research institutions, universities and design companies. Focusing on the implementation of relevant requirements for building a manufacturing powerhouse and targeting design issues in shortcomings in the manufacturing industry, special actions to improve manufacturing design capabilities are proposed.
Question 2: What are the overall requirements of the "Action Plan"?
Answer:The "Action Plan" proposes to fully implement the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the guiding principles of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era In the spirit of the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, we adhere to the new development concept, follow the requirements of building a modern economic system, take supply-side structural reform as the main line, focus on the shortcomings of the manufacturing industry, continuously improve the industrial system, and improve public services. Improve design levels and capabilities, promote the transformation from Made in China to Created in China, China's speed to China's quality, and the transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, and provide support and guarantee for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.
Question 3: What goals does the "Action Plan" set?
Answer: On the basis of adhering to the basic principles of market leadership, innovation drive, overall coordination, and point-to-point coverage, the "Action Plan" proposes to strive to use In about 4 years, we will promote the shortcomings of the manufacturing industry.Design problems have been effectively improved, the basic research system of industrial design has gradually been completed, public service capabilities have been greatly improved, and talent training models have been innovatively developed. Achieve original design breakthroughs in CNC machine tools, industrial robots, automobiles, electric power equipment, petrochemical equipment, heavy machinery and other industries, as well as in the fields of energy conservation, environmental protection, artificial intelligence and other fields. A number of industry and national standards have been formed in system design, artificial intelligence design, ecological design, etc., and a number of easy-to-use and professional design tools have been developed. Build a high-level national industrial design institute to improve basic research capabilities and public service levels in industrial design. Create about 10 service-oriented manufacturing demonstration cities featuring design services, develop and expand more than 200 industrial design centers, create a backbone of design innovation, and set the development trend of industrial design. Promote the "new engineering" education model of industrial design, innovate the training methods of design talents, and create about 100 manufacturing design training bases.
Question 4: What are the key tasks proposed in the "Action Plan"?
 Answer:In response to design issues in shortcomings in the manufacturing industry and prominent issues affecting the development of design innovation, 5 major tasks and 13 measures have been proposed. First, lay a solid foundation for manufacturing design. It is proposed to increase basic research efforts and develop advanced and applicable design software; the second is to promote design breakthroughs in key areas. It is proposed to make up for the shortcomings in equipment manufacturing design, improve the design level of traditional advantageous industries, and vigorously promote system design and ecological design; the third is to cultivate manufacturing design talents. It is proposed to reform the manufacturing design talent training model and smooth the development channels for designer talents; the fourth is to cultivate and strengthen design subjects. It is proposed to accelerate the cultivation of the backbone of industrial design and promote the professional development of design small and medium-sized enterprises; fifthly, it is to build an industrial design public service network. It is proposed to improve the industrial design research service system, build a design collaboration platform for co-creation and sharing, strengthen the protection of design intellectual property rights, and create a social atmosphere conducive to the development of design. Focusing on various tasks, the "Action Plan" proposes 6 key design software iterations, key design breakthroughs, manufacturing design talent cultivation, small and medium-sized enterprise design innovation, industrial design public service system construction, and industrial design intellectual property rights protection through columns. project, clarify specific requirements and increase the operability of the action plan.
Question 5: How to ensure the implementation of the "Action Plan"?
Answer:The "Action Plan" proposes four safeguard measures from the aspects of organizational coordination, policy guidance, investment and financing channels, and policy publicity to ensure All tasks were implemented smoothly. In terms of organization and coordination, the "Action Plan" proposes to establish a system for overall coordination and joint promotion by relevant departments.working mechanism. Relevant departments in various localities must deploy and implement work tasks based on actual conditions. Relevant industry organizations and social institutions must participate extensively to jointly implement various task arrangements. In terms of policy guidance, the "Action Plan" proposes to revise policies to promote the development of industrial design and expand the connotation and extension of design. Utilize existing channels and major projects of relevant departments to support the improvement of manufacturing design capabilities. Enterprises that provide income from technology transfer, technology development and related technical consulting and technical services can enjoy relevant tax preferential policies in accordance with national tax laws. Strengthen industry statistical monitoring. In terms of investment and financing channels, the Action Plan proposes to encourage social capital to establish design industry funds. Encourage qualified design companies to go public and raise funds. Encourage banks and other financial institutions to provide personalized services to design companies and expand the scope of collateral. Encourage guarantee institutions to set up special guarantee varieties and increase credit guarantee support for design companies and design innovation projects. In terms of policy publicity, the Action Plan proposes to vigorously publicize achievements, events, key enterprises and talents in the field of design. Strengthen the publicity of design intellectual property protection and enhance the awareness of integrity management. Continuously expand the social impact of design innovation and create a good atmosphere in which the whole society values ​​design and promotes design development.
 (Original title: Interpretation of the Special Action Plan for Improving Manufacturing Design Capabilities (2019-2022))

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